Tuesday 12 July 2011

HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATION is a course which focuses upon the people-to-people aspects of work. The intentions of this course is to help the learners develop their skills in understanding and diagnosing human events and problems so as to more effectively take actions in dealing with them. HBO will be applying the social and behavioral sciences as well at management science to better understand and predict human behavior at work.

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - study and application of knowledge about how people act within organization .,. it provides a useful set of tools at many levels of analysis .,. for example: it helps the managers/supervisors look at the behavior of individuals within an organization.
An Organizational Behavior strives to identify ways in which people act more effectively .,. and how people act within the organization.

Key elements in OB - "When PEOPLE join together in an organization to accomplish an objective some kind of STRUCTURE is required. People use TECHNOLOGY to help get the job done." 

 PEOPLE -living, thinking, feeling beings who work in the organization
STRUCTURE - formal relationship with people in organization (creates complex problems of cooperation, negotiation, decision making)
TECHNOLOGY - resources which affect people work and tasks they perform (cannot accomplish much with bare hands)
ENVIRONMENT - must considered in the study of human behavior in organization operate within an internal and an external environment (context for a group of people)


First, Individual differences each one is difference from all others.
Second, Perception see their work differently for a variety reasons, may differ in their personalities, needs and past experiences.
Third, Whole person different human traits may be separately studied .,. but .,.  in the final analysis they are all part of one system .,. making up a whole person.
Fourth, Motivated behavior people are motivated not by what we think they ought to have but by what they themselves want. 

Motivation is essential to the operation of organization .,. no matter how much technology and equipment an organization has, ,.. these things cannot be put to use until they are released and guided by people who have been motivated.

Fifth, desire for involvement belief that have the capability .,. capabilities to perform task .,. or meet a challenging situation successfully.

Last Concept .,. value of the person .,.  (ethical treatment) people deserve to be treated differently than other factors of production .,. because they are of a higher order in the universe (to be treated with respect and dignity) valued for their skills and abilities to be provided with opportunities to develop themselves.

Why do we need to study Organizational Behavior?